Opening  Reception  of   Political Training  Academy

The  opening reception   of  the Academy for political  training  which officially registered by the name  (Iraqi  Association for Political Development) (IAPD)  carried  out   on ( 25 July 2015) in the presence of members of Board  and  MPs , representative of the vice-speaker of parliament , academics , media  and NGOs. The opening program included  speech of  chairman of IAPD board and UMF speech  , presentation  by the  Executive Director of IAPD  showed  the goals of establishment  and activities &  beneficiaries . IAPD brochure distributed over attendants

It is worth mentioning that  IAPD is a remark output  of (civil and political empowerment initiative for women in Iraq) which is carried out for  two years  by ( UMF)  and funded by  (UNDEF).

The first step of IAPD  establishment  started in the (25 / April / 2015),designing website ( ) and email  ( )

The most important current activity carried out by  IAPD is delivering  a  monthly  training session (12 sessions)  for women parliamentarians  in order to improve their performance  presented by  experts in sessions topics.

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