Training and Consultative Meetings for women parliamentarians

Within the ( The initiative of civil and political empowerment for women in Iraq) which is  carried out by UMF   and funded by  UNDEF , training and consultative sessions for new parliamentarians  set up  as one of the Political Rehabilitation Academy (which established within the Initiative’s activities for the first time in Iraq) to support their performance and provide experiences that enhance their roles in Inside Parliament. The  meetings host experts and specialists, have expertise and experience in the relevant topics . below  details   of the  four  implemented meetings :-

1-The first  Meeting was held in the hall of Al-Rasheed hotel on (12/01/2015)  to discuss  the theme (the budget law for 2015 … financial vision), with the presence of  the university professor Dr. Maytham Laibi  in  financial and economic sciences to provide training for new parliamentarians on how to study and  financial analysis of budget and  identified  the financial problems  of budget 2015, especially since the budget has not been voted on in the administration of the meeting. Women Parliamentarians were  asked about the rapid means to cover the deficit in the budget and how  to calculate the per capita of the budget, and  sales of the excess crude oil in the past years, and others.



2- The second Meeting  was held in one of  parliament halls on (01/22/2015) after obtaining the approval of the speaker of parliament  and coordination with the NGO committee in parliament, the  meeting theme (budget 2015 .. economical vision) to discussed by professor and  economic expert  Dr. Amal Shlash which provided economically analysis to 2015 budget and clarified  the imbalance  in budget and the most important solutions to address it. women parliamentarians asked questions which has been an interactive debate attended by a number of male parliamentarian , and women working counselors in parliament  , the most important Points that have been inquiring about the fate of the  allocations retained annually from the provincial development budget ? And the rapid solutions to address the budget deficit

For more information, please  follow this link: –



3- The third Meeting was held in one of  parliament halls on (02/16/2015) entitled (legislative and Monitoring priorities for Iraqi women), meeting hosted the previous State Minister for women’s issues   Dr. Ibtehal Zaidi to display  her expertise and follow-up with the Parliament on women’s issues and characterization of the priorities in the field of legislation & monitoring  . this topic has sparked a debate and exchange of views between parliamentarians and the lecture ,the most important points that have been raised from them is the need to shed light on the women  parliamentarian  achievements in the field of legislation and monitoring , and the importance of forming a coalition of women parliamentarians from which are placed priorities plan and follow-up mechanism.

For more information, please follow this link: –





4- The Fourth Meeting  was held in one of  parliament  halls on (16/03/2015) entitled (the importance of media appearance  to women parliamentarians) where  the meeting hosted Dr. Hashim Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of  media at the University of Baghdad  who well-known  as media expert who presented important lecture about kinds of communication and how to deal with media and the importance of deliver the parliamentary message via various means of mass communication, women MPs  have expressed their need to learn more about the subject and asked about some of the challenges they faced in the media and the desire to get a training workshop on dealing with the media. For more information please follow this link



The most important notes & comments about MPs meetings:-

1-The coordination and Higher cooperation  of NGO committee (especially the Chairperson of the Committee, Dr. Tavkh Ahmed) is  the main reason  meetings establishment in the parliament building . UMF consider this coordination  one of the most important successes and the most important reasons for the sustainability achieved to strengthen the joint work with the Committee

2-According to MPs  willingness  announcement about UMF readiness to set up a training workshop for media skills to women MPs  in coordination with NGO committee  and collaboration with the Dean of the Faculty of Media  and other  experts in media

3- One of the most important challenges that we faced is the low  MPs  response their attendance is very weak , their attendance in the four  implemented  meetings between (5-18)  from (82) women  parliamentarians  and among (55) newly elected

4-the most important conclusions that come out through the assessment forms distributed in the four implemented meetings  : –

a- (73-80)% of the attended MPs are newly elected

b- (64-100%) of them had already trained  on the themes of meetings

C- (80-90)% of them welcomed to have more training on the meetings  topics

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